dnes je 15.2.2025

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Sending a PC home

14.8.2017, , Zdroj: PoMateřské.cz (www.pomaterske.cz)

Now is the time of year for telling loved ones about the sun and sea, or mountains, or city sights of our holidays. Traditionally people do this by postcard, although if you're like me you buy them late, can't find any postage stamps, and are too busy to send them before you start the homeward journey.

The postcard is a rarer thing nowadays- sending a multi-media message with a photo is preferred. This lacks the romance of the old method, but could mean you get a quick reply with a picture, for example, of your happy and well-fed cat. 

Whatever method we use, time and space is limited, which usually leads us to a lot of abbreviations, and even to acronyms. With the internet, acronyms are ever more

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