dnes je 21.9.2024

Nepřístupný dokument, nutné přihlášení

So what about Brexit, then?

23.3.2019, , Zdroj: PoMateřské.cz (www.pomaterske.cz)

As a British man living in the Czech Republic (for over a decade) people expect me to have a view about Brexit. Mostly they expect that I will be against it. They are right that it's very inconvenient for me that the legal status of  living in this country is somehow in question, even though I don't know whether the UK will actually leave on March 29th 2019, because every day there is talk of  extension, delay, postponement etc. 

I write now with that uncertainty. I try to ignore the slogans: I hate the word 'Brexit' for example, as it suggests that the EU is a room (offering warmth or stability or simply civilization) which the UK will be leaving. Perhaps the EU is more like a tent,

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